Monday, October 15, 2007


As a phys ed teacher I like reading the first part of the article titled Countering Standardization. As we discussed in class last week, the article was referring to the product oriented educators who care only about scores and want to eliminate some of the "non academic" areas like art, music and phys ed. I applaud the author for proclaiming this as a myth and providing some ways to dispell this myth. The educators involved failed to see what was best for all the children involved. The care was mostly for their own egos.

1 comment:

Each One Teach One said...

I am also happy that the author identified the myths in the education process. what I don't understand is how or why don't the politicians and bureaucrats who create the policies that govern education see through these myths. It almost feels as if the policies and laws are created to stagnate education. If we are to improve the quality of education in America we must as teachers, administrators, politicians, etc work collectively to increase student success!